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Open Club · 2 members · Last active
Open Club · 1 member
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee will ensure that ASBMR embodies all facets of diversity (inclusiveness, mutual respect, multiple perspectives, and equitable opportunities) so that all members, irrespective of race, ethnicity, nationality, cultural background, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, age, income, physical and mental ability thrive in the bone and mineral research field.
Open Club · 1 member
The Early Stage Investigator Subcommittee seeks to advocate for and increase engagement of ASBMR members who are in the early stages of their career. The subcommittee is charged with the following: provide resources to guide early stage investigators in their career development; educate early career investigators about resources, content, and opportunities available to ASBMR members; serve as a voice for early stage investigator needs and perspectives within ASBMR; and, foster a culture of supportive mentorship and networking opportunities in order to promote meaningful interaction between early stage and mid-career or established investigators.